Trainings & Master Classes

Building skills and competencies, team building and motivation.
Joint innovation training works on many levels.
TOM SPIKE delivers practical skills from projects, not theory monsters.

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Innovation training increases chances of success

Every innovation has its own pitfalls. TOM SPIKE has accompanied numerous innovation projects from start to finish and shares practical experience in innovation trainings. There are tried and tested training modules for many stages of the innovation process.

If you would like to experience and learn the entire process from start to finish, the 4-day Master Class (see below) is suitable for you.

Innovation trainings for B2B, industry and tech companies

Individually developed training courses for established companies and various participant groups. Based on your requirements, we design training programs lasting half a day, several days or even several months. From existing training modules and individual supplements.

Innovation trainings for startups

Company founders and young start-up teams want to successfully develop innovations and bring them to market. In cooperation with universities, public services, startup hubs and incubators, we offer training formats for startups and have already supported over 1,000 start-up teams.

Training series “Structured Innovation – Master Class”

Do you want to successfully implement an innovation project from start to finish?
Then you’ve come to the right place. In 4 days you will go through the entire innovation project once. From the will to innovate, through project setup, ecosystem analysis, customer needs, benchmark, idea and concept development, prototypes, tests, business case, pitch and planning of detailed development and market launch. One run per innovation type. For innovators and those who want to become one.

Receive the Master Class on site at your company or visit one of the following open training sessions:


25Mär(Mär 25)9:0028(Mär 28)15:00Master Class: Business Model InnovationCombining enthusiastic customers and sustainable earnings: Added value for the customer while earning money sustainably. New business models with high relevance to the core business.

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