
TOM SPIKE is constantly on the lookout for new perspectives. Unsolicited applications are welcome. Even if there are currently no suitable job advertisements or vacancies online or no vacancies.

To the job offers


Berlin-based innovation consultancy supports B2B companies in creating innovations for a truly unique position in the market. For strategic issues and specific innovation projects. Mostly in the form of workshops, coaching and consulting projects. This results in concrete innovation projects for successful products and business models and long-term innovation capability within the company.

Lots of free space
for personal initiative

Flexible tasks
and time management

Always new

Active co-design
in all respects

Exchange of experience and cooperation at eye level

Give us a call before you Send us your application documents.

Our vacancies

20-40h/week | part-time or full-time | telephone acquisition | understanding customers | sales

B2B Appointment Setter (m/f/d)

Turn exciting B2B contacts into leads and arrange appointments for our innovation consultants. Create connections through clear customer understanding and your empathetic personality. Develop yourself further and grow with us.

Permanent employment | Industry experience | Entrepreneurship

B2B Innovation Consultant (m/f/d)

Become an innovation consultant, accompany us to industrial customers throughout Germany and shape progress for products, services and business models of the future.

Freelance or part-time position | start-up experience | Berlin/Brandenburg

Start-up consultant (m/f/d)

Become part of the start-up network, support start-ups and start-ups and help good ideas achieve market success.

Workshops | Projects | Simply everything

Unsolicited applications (m/f/d)

Für selbstbewusste, aufnahmefähige Unternehmertypen, die gerne da mit anpacken, wo es etwas zu tun gibt und keine Angst vor Neuem haben 🙂

PR | Social Media | Communication | Innovation | Management

for Master students (m/f/d)

Own ideas, independent implementation and support of the team. Innovation training, customer workshops and surprises. Everything will be there.