
Innovation creates a unique position and differentiation in the market.
Companies have various goals along the way.
TOM SPIKE provides support for typical goals or on an individual basis.

What is your goal?

Step by step to innovation success


Finding innovation potential

Together we find opportunities for innovation on the market. Suitable for your company. With validated sales opportunities.


Carry out pilot project

First innovations in partnership with your company. Prototype, business case and implementation included.


Develop organization

A successful approach needs to be repeated. Other divisions are following suit. A culture of innovation emerges.

Goals on the path to innovation

Innovation has many faces. This time it will be the next product generation. Sometimes it’s about the ability to repeatedly find good ideas and new markets. And sometimes it’s about the ability of fellow riders to take off their blinkers. and to think radically new.

TOM SPIKE accompanies you on your journey to innovation on the way to various goals. And if the goal is not yet clear, TOM SPIKE provides orientation for setting goals.