Master Class Technology Innovation at AVS Römer
How Michael Absmeier from AVS Römer can successfully use the findings from the Technology Innovation Master Class for the industrial company.
AVS Römer
Innovation culture at AVS Römer
The company’s internal initiative Strengthening innovative strength has the task of generating more products with unique selling points. The unique selling points offer customer benefits, give us competitive advantages and make us without alternatives. The initiative currently includes three measures.
What innovation means for the company
We stand for the continuous development of novel solutions for products, technologies and processes with competitive advantages as well as added value for our Customers. We have summarized the specific goals in our Innovation Strategy 2022 -2026 .
Why AVS Römer decided on the Master Class has
In recent years, we have increased the number of employees in the development area fivefold and built up our own electronics development department. By introducing advanced methods such as: FEM and CFD simulation, we were able to expand our innovation expertise enormously. We have succeeded in registering more patents in the past five years than in the previous 45 years! We want to remain as successful in the future as before. Therefore, as part of our innovation strategy, we ask ourselveshow we can secure and expand this market success in the long term..We started looking for a suitable innovation consultancy and TOM SPIKE found.
What expectations did the company have?
Corona has shown that during a crisis it is always ‘we have to act’. After the crisis, this will quickly be forgotten. In this respect, we wanted to achieve a crisis-independent ability to innovate with the Master Class.In addition, participation in the Master Class should consolidate and the range of competencies of the participating innovation managers expand.
What goals did AVS Römer have on the agenda for the Master Class?
There are two general goals for us priority: Firstly, to find technical solutions for the area of tension in which we operate and secondly to shorten the time-to-market.
Which Master Class best suited your goals?
Together with TOM SPIKE we selected the right master class for us. In alignment with our DNA as an innovative manufacturer and our corporate goals, the Master Class Technology Innovation most suitable for us.
Which employees took part?
The first We attended the master class with ten employees. The participants included the top management level and the department heads. In the second one, an employee from four different product development teams was there as a multiplier.
What benefits can you get from the Master Class?
We want to approach innovation in a structured manner. With the Master Class we received a complete method kit from which we can use as needed.
How did you use the method building kit in the company?
After the master class, we sat down and thought about which of the methods we mainly wanted to use. We then focus on the methods Tom’s Model, Network of Solutions, the Contradiction Model, the 8 W-Questions and TRIZ laid. What fascinated us about TRIZ was that this method could be used to develop plausible solutions.There are excellently trained, young specialists here in the Bavarian Forest. These people care deeply about their region and are highly motivated to continually develop themselves and the company they work for. Our claim is world-class level. The expert knowledge required for this in terms of development methodology for B2B cannot be fully imparted during your studies or training. Therefore, the methods learned in the master class are very important for our young colleagues. There are also people who come from the urban centers to the Bavarian Forest and get to know it and love it. In our company you will find a field of activity that does not have to hide behind the global corporations.
Photo kindly provided by AVS Römer
You can use the methods of the Master Class for concrete innovation use?
We generate a significant portion of our sales with products from theFood & Beverage. In this segment, hygiene is one of the most important properties of the components that come into contact with food. AVS Römer has already successfully innovated in this area in recent years and is currently working with the help of the Triz methodology on a valve that has actually never existed before.
Michael Absmeier, Head of Development
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About AVS Römer
AVS Römer is a leading manufacturer of technically high-quality customer-specific valves, screw connections and sensors in fluid technology. The company in numbers:
- 76 million euros in sales in 2022
- 3 locations in Germany and Switzerland
- 1 million fasteners per day
What are your top 3 results?
Firstly: Capability! Our employees and those responsible for innovation can use the method kit from the Master Class in their day-to-day business as needed for their respective requirements. And they are able to select the appropriate method, use it and pass it on to third parties.
Secondly: access to innovation methods that can be used at any time as needed, the modular structure and flexible availability accelerate innovation development enormously.Thanks to the structured approach, we receive measurable results at every stage, which we check and can therefore decide quicker whether and how we proceed. We are therefore getting much closer to our company’s goal of shortening the time-to-market.
Third: We can now structure innovation very well. This means that after the Master Class, uncertainties regarding the procedure have been eliminated and those responsible for innovation can progress step by step significantly faster, more safely and better towards the innovation goal.
Impressions from the Master Class Innovation, Berlin 2022:
Feedback: What participants from industry, technology and business say about the Master Class…
Industrial engineer, innovation expert and TOM SPIKE managing director Nina Defounga takes time for you. Please feel free to write an email to: n.defounga@tomspike.com. Find more here Appointments around innovation topics, methods and successful projects from TOM SPIKE.