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Roadmapping can help when organization and complexity grow Roadmapping rarely plays a role in small craft businesses. There is no product or service roadmap. Small businesses simply don’t need one....

Sales strategies are success factors for innovation Selling innovation means selling a vision. This vision and the associated innovation are the first step(time machine for vision development). Then it is...

Culture is what people do when no one is looking Culture is often seen as a very complicated topic. And innovation culture even more so. We also have Peter Drucker...

The innovation strategy allows everyone to pull together Everyone wants innovation. Many already have an innovation strategy. For new, inspiring products, new business models and sources of revenue. For patents,...

Diversification into new business areas – an important trend in many sectors and industries in B2B The dependence on individual target groups and customer groups is a major challenge for...

Innovations shape the industry’s supply chains The development of supply chains often begins with the creation of new technologies or products by a single party. As demand increases, the network...

Joint efforts for innovation and thrilled customers New products and services pursue the goal of exciting as many customers as possible and convincing them with real added value. That is...

The challenge: changing markets, supply chains and technologies How will your company earn money in 5 to 10 years? Many industrial companies are asking themselves this question in a rapidly...

Pre-seed consulting, foundation consulting and startup coaching Do Startups need consulting? One might think it’s unnecessary. Established companies regard startups with some envy. Innovative, creative, great publicity, and plenty of...

Startups and SMEs receive consulting funding Established company based in Germany. This is the most important requirement for BAFA funding. And below the limit of 250 employees and 50 million...

There are certainly more than 7 reasons why an innovation process may be incapable of doing what it is supposed to do. But if you don’t make these 7 mistakes,...

So you want to set up a professional innovation management … Many companies have established an innovation management in recent years. That doesn’t mean everyone needs it. But many organizations...

What ist TRIZ? A brief Introduction Many companies are faced with the challenge of developing new technical solutions. They need innovative products with outstanding functions and novel, high-performance processes. But...

Innovation is more than just a good idea “I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways in which it doesn’t work.” This quote is attributed to Thomas Alva Edison. A...

The innovation process brings repeatable innovation success to the company What does the perfect innovation process look like for your company? The perfect innovation process does exactly what you want...

And how to discover and promote intrapreneurs How many creative ideas are already in your company without you knowing about them? How much further could you develop your company if...

In recent years, the discussion about environmentally harmful chemicals has become increasingly important. One of these groups of chemicals is per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). They are in focus...

Reinventing yourself is not always easy Every day, development teams solve technical problems. Often successfully. But sometimes lengthy brainstorming sessions burn up employees’ hours. It is often difficult to come...

Innovation potential is where the market and customers have a problem Everyone is looking for the honey pot, the uncultivated field and the “low hanging fruits”. In short: innovation potential...

12 months of funded work on the business model for the innovation Top ideas from science can become successful start-ups. This is where the EXIST funding program comes in. The...

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25Mär(Mär 25)9:0028(Mär 28)15:00Master Class: Business Model InnovationCombining enthusiastic customers and sustainable earnings: Added value for the customer while earning money sustainably. New business models with high relevance to the core business.

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